Is “Such, such were the joys” copy written?
I decided to stop going to school in the Eighth grade. My decision was overridden by my parents, any number of state and federal laws and regulations, as well as the local constabulary. Dutifully, I showed up, but I don't remember doing much studying during school hours.
In high school, where I was introduced to modern art, non structured poetry, and "new American classic" literature, I knew I had made the correct decision, regardless of the lack of support from leading authority figures. Once I turned 18, and discovered that I could sign myself out of school, well, let’s just say I graduated with a surprised look on my face.
That said, I like to think that I turned out all right. Okay, I won't be winning any trigonometry-offs any time in the near future, but I'm cool with that.
The ladies are all about the Grammar rodeo anyways. Yee haw!
School simply doesn't teach you what you need to know, other than how to put up with severe amounts of bullshit. Granted, this is a valuable skill set to possess, yet I learned far more when cutting class than I would have in class. Then again, I'm a nerd, so while people were learning about puddings of the world, I was reading political treatises. I was at the beach doing it too. Dig the healthy tan on that well-read truant!
Incompetent teachers were the deal breaker. I had had a few in the past, but one in particular took the cake. I once had a mandated course, Business 110 or some such, during what would be my last semester in Community college. Upon arrival, I realized the teacher was a freaking psych case. Naturally, I go to transfer, only to find that he teaches every single one of the Business 110 classes.
One last time, I relent, and I spent this last semester, 65 dollars in units, and associated costs of books/registration, listening to him jabber about how when you try to cross your arms differently then normal, it's totally hard, and oh, sweet cats, isn't that CRAZY??!?
6 years of pent up rage almost blew up when he suggested that “words did not have meanings”. This is logically false. I demonstrated this to him. All I got back was “jibber jabber different things to different people”. I wish I had said “Fuck you!”, and when questioned about it, just told him I was admiring his healthy tan. Instead, I vowed that this would be it for me and “higher education”.
So why does western society insist college is necessary, frowning upon those who got GEDs to escape high school? Doesn’t a GED show initiative, and the ability to accomplish tasks better than slouching through four years of sex ed and diversity training? I will leave this exercise up to you.
A trend amongst most I know is, the ones who possess the most amount of college units are also the most foolish (Note, this is not one hundred percent true. Lets call it 75%). At a certain point on a bell curve, additional units not only push one past the point of diminished returns, but in fact, actively bind one closer to the X Axis. I envision it similar to the following data points:

I’ve since talked with my father at length about higher education, and he’s come around to my point of view. It’s simply not about learning anymore. It is about keeping the young off of the streets, keeping otherwise unemployable but “skilled” people employed, and indoctrinating the young. It is possible to get a good education today, but brotha’, you will be paying it off until retirement.
Ok, I was giggling up until the graph - at which point I let loose with many heartfelt guffaws.
That's some funny s#!t
did you make that graph? that's f'n hilarious.
and thanks for reminding me where my bong is.
Yes, the bell "courve" as the french would say, was entirely me. I thought it was funny too. I really want to edit it though, so it reads "Dude, where's my bong? Oh, right, in my hand. Right. My Right hand...Hey dude, where's the carb?" That would be too wordy though.
Thanks for the compliments, and your haikus should be delivered within a 2 day period.
And Lisa...Where's your lighter again?
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