Friday, August 05, 2011

Sometimes vulgarity is necessary.

If you know the the mentality of the mafia, you know that the most important thing that they do is intimidation. It's cheap, and it get's the point across. Also, the charges are way easier to fight then a murder rap.

So, it should come as no surprise that the russians, who are essentially run by the russian mafia at this point, and are headed by a former KGB top, are engaging in some...antics. Quote follows.

"U.S. diplomats and officials have found their homes broken into and vandalized, or altered in ways as trivial as bathroom use; faced anonymous or veiled threats; and in some cases found themselves set up in compromising photos or videos that are later leaked to the local press and presented as a sex scandal."

Translation: they are breaking into peoples houses and dropping upper deckers in those people's facilities. Also, yes, bombings and poisonings, and that's worse, but it's not my point.

My point is, we need a department of filthy, filthy, dirty, "Oh God, why would you do that, seriously, what is wrong with you, I mean, who does that?" tricks. Our answer to every act of open agression is missiles that cost millions of dollars delivered by ships with thousands of hands on deck. We need to think smart, and be frugal, and also just let people know that we are some depraved sons of bitches, and we are not to be trifled with.

Think about it this way. You're a politician in some country who effed with the US. You live in a bunker with not 1, 2, or 3 inches of concrete surrounding every possible point of contact, but fifty. You know that you are going to be allright when the inevitable missile strike happens. Yeah, a couple hundred or thousand of your countrymen will die, but that means two things:

1. Decreased tax revenues, not that your people were paying taxes anyway, and
2. Now everyone is behind your campaign to punish the great shaitan, and your cult of personality just got stronger.

Now. Imagine the following. Dude leaves, cause, you know, he doesn't want the prostitute to go to his place. A team of, let's say 6 people "disposes" of any guards present, and then precedes to urinate wildly, and with reckless abandon, all over his expensive oriental carpet. Then they go. Maybe that team leaves a note, something along the lines of the following:

"Dear sir,

It has come to our attention that you have been poking sticks into hornet's nests. It is our duty to submit to you that this is a poor idea, and that you are going to be stung. Repeatedly. Further poking will provoke increasingly worse stings. The following is not intended as a threat, perse, simply a statement of fact that you may be unaware of. We are in posession of sattelites that can drop a ball bearing, from space, with such speed and precision, that before you can say, 'Ow! My Dick!' your dick will no longer exist in the realm of physical objects that have occurred in Human history. Please refrain from the aforementioned activity.

Your's truly,

A very large country with a sizable military."

I would take that advice.


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