The vice president shot a man, in the face and chest.
And everyone thinks it’s HI-FUCKING LARIOUS.Empathize for a moment. Whittington is undoubtedly shielded from all this. He’s in the hospital, with shrapnel wounds about the face and chest, and has had a heart attack already due to a pellet. This is why comedy is inappropriate. Because the punch-line is on him. He’s going to get out of the hospital, you can be damned sure he has the finest medical care possible. He’ll take it easy for a few days, and then start doing his routine, like watching the news. And he’s going to see an endless display of mirth and merriment over the fact that he almost got killed by someone he knew. And he’s going to get to hear people secretly hoping he dies, just so they can maybe charge Cheney with something.
While I enjoy black humor as much as the next guy…I don’t hold to Mel brook’s theory of comedy, “Tragedy is when I get a paper-cut, comedy is when you fall down a manhole and die.” False. Funny is the guy getting amnesia, that’s comedy gold, and characters are fictional. But mortal wounds to real humans? That plain ain’t funny sir. At least, not as slapstick.
Deconstruct the joke:
Setup:Cheney shot a friend of his in the face! HA! And get this! The Fucker might die!
And if he lives, he’ll be forever scarred, physically as well as emotionally!
Not cool homey.. I agree, that the daily shows take was technically funny, it's schadenfreude at it's worst. Honestly, it’s an area I would simply avoid.
They’re like, half genius, half retarded, werewolves man!!I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but some people think this is some kind of hit, or coverup. I don't get it. One minute, Dick Cheney and George Bush are dumb-ass Chickenhawks, the next they are stone cold calculating kill crazy maim-bot 5000s. Which is it? If this is a cover-up, Dick is the dumbest ass ever. In front of a mess of people, he shoots someone in the face, and promptly notifies the police, confessing to the shooting.
OOH! BUT IT WASN’T THE NATIONAL PRESS!!!KEKEKE!!!1!ZERG RUSH!!1And to the National news media? Boo Hoo Hoo! Get off your asses and start working beats you fucking hacks. You got marked by a local journo (listening to a police band, I assume), working beats, while you are used to being fed your stories through an intravenous feed. Johnny on the spot scooped you poseurs, and it’s the governments fault? I don't know that I've ever seen so many children outside of preschool in my life. Submitted, for your displeasure:
This is not from a comedy show. This is from an honest to God “Legitimate National News Media” outlet, and Dana Milbank is the asshole of his own story. Don't tell me that this didn't get cleared by someone. To the Washington press, Grow the fuck up. And to comediaticians everywhere, that’s cold. I see the humor potential but…damn.